A Bible Devotion

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Look At The Flowers

LUKE 12:27 LB 27 "Look at the lilies! They don't toil and spin, and yet Solomon in all his glory was not robed as well as they are.

Many people would have you believe that God only supplies what we need -- nothing more.

But they haven't considered the flowers!

If you want to know God better, obey Jesus and look at the flowers. They were God's idea.

Why did God make so many flowers? All the many different flowers are not necessary. Although flowers have some purposes, one kind of flower in one single color could have been made to meet all the needs.

The fact is: so many different flowers are not needed. They are "extra," something far, far beyond merely what was needed.

We could live without all the different flowers, but life is so much more beautiful with them.

Dear friend, God is not intent on you barely scraping by. He told you to ask and receive -- that your joy may be full (see John 16:24). God desires your joy to be full.

But don't make the mistake that so many do. Abundance of "things" will never satisfy you apart from God. But what a joy it is when you have close fellowship with the Creator, and can thank Him for all the wonderful things He has provided for you because of His great love. In that context, things are a great blessing, because they are a constant reminder of the goodness and love of God.

Others tell us that "God only helps those who help themselves" and make us think that "if it is to be, it is up to me."

No! While it is true that we must cooperate with God, mostly by trusting Him and resisting our enemy by standing in faith on God's Word, it is not true that we have only ourselves to depend on.

That was part of Jesus' point: God "prospers" flowers better than Solomon could achieve -- and he was the richest man who ever lived! God can, and will, take care of you, too. Just let Him.

Whenever I see flowers, or whenever I think of the abundance God has provided, it reminds me of His love, and I say, "Thank You Lord, for flowers."

SAY THIS: Thank You Lord, for flowers!


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